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Born in 2005, APS® was established to serve as a specialty supplier of cables and systems to the telecommunications and data networks industries. Our primary focus is on the present and future trends of cabled communication, especially as it pertains to LAN, Access, FTTx, and Data Center.
However, we are also able to supply products and solutions to aging telephone networks on twisted pairs.
Our structured cabling solutions for indoor/outdoor use, be it copper, fiber or hybrid, are available with an Extended Warranty of 25 years through our network of approved and certified installers and distributors.

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APS® supplies the Ship Building and Oil & Gas industries with a complete range of communication and special cables that are robust, long lasting, and designed for optimal performance. All standard cables are available with a Type Approval Certificate straight from a massive stock which includes LAN cables, BUS cables, Coaxial and Fiber Optic cables, as well as composite cables for CCTV systems and other applications. Our specialty cables are the result of case-by-case evaluations. Our experienced technical personnel carefully design these cable to the customer’s desires and needs or design the custom manufacturing in accordance to the given specifications.


We offer an extensive range of high-quality standard and specialty cables to service the most diverse range of applications available. We design copper, fiber optic, and hybrid cables to carry signals and communication through the most varied of environments.

From the coldest to hottest climates, from underground and underwater to high in the skies, in corrosive muds and over hot deserts; the more challenging the application and environment, the more engaged our team will be. We aim to deliver to our customers exactly what they need, where they need it, and when they need it.

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